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Jonathan Phillips
Born in California
17 years
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Amanda Sullivan

i still can't figure out exactly how i met you, but i know it was a long ass time ago in junior high, i can remember being friends all of 8th grade and 7th grade but i'm pretty sure i met you at the end of 6th grade or the summer before 7th, either way it was forever ago, but ever since the day i met you i've loved you!!! we used to walk home together and take the bus to skoul and home and walk from there or hang out at the park at dennis earl w/ amanda and brittney and RJ and devin and whitney and tara and tim and kevin and all those guys or we'd just walk around town and you and steven le used to come over all the time and we'd hang out at my house in the front yard and i can remember steven's DC's and i stole them and feel in love w/ them and he would chase me around trying to get them back and then u'd take 'em from me and it was soooo much fun! and in junior high in 7th grade we hung out a lot too, and then in 8th grade i think is when we became really close and u and david became really good friends and AJ and andrew and becca and all them fro mway back when, and ray, and jay well he came later, and nicole and everybody and we always hung out together and had fun all the was great!!! and then you would come over and we'd hang out at my house more and i would attempt to skateboard and that nevr worked out rite and u always laughed at me everytime i feel on my ass, and then i'd give up and u'd laugh even more and i remember when you messed up ur knee and then i finally got to make fun of u and call u "gimpy" and "cripple" and that was fun and i remember that halloween i was supossed to hang out w/ david and i told him no b/c i didnt want to go out and then u and angela came over to my house and i left w/ u guys and we hung out all nite and ur knee was all messed up still but when my feet hurt and i didnt want to walk anymore u gave me a piggy back ride (thanx a lot by the way it was fun) but then u made me give u one, and that wasn't as fun! and then david got all mad at me but never at you, which was hillarious!!! and we'd walk over to the new houses they were building and hang out in their and pretend to crap in their toilets and take showers in what was there of the shower and that was ooooo much fun........theres never been a time w/ u that wasn't fun, but then i pissed you off in march of 8th grade year and u wouldnt talk to me and we didnt talk again until freshman year, and im really glad u forgave me(eventhough what i did was really fucked up and im sorry i did it). freahman year was great b/c we were finally in high skoul, we started hanging out more again, but it was always at my house except that one time i told my mom i was gonna roller blade around the block and she said okay then i went to ur house instead and ur mom and dad were soooo nice and they said oh hes in the backyard go ahead and go on back there and when i went back there u were gardening and it was hillarious and u picked me up while i was still wearing my roller blades and we almost fell and the nu dropped me on my butt on purpose and that wasnt fun but i fell in the mud and it was funny, but then my mom came over and looked ovre the fence and started yelling at me and i was freaking out but u just kept on laughing! it was worth the 2 weeks of grounding though! and then sophomore year we hecka hung out in the beginning we'd go to dennis earl and hang out at the park and walk all around our neighborhood it was great fun!!! and we always laughed the whole time we were together and nothing made us sad.........then we hung out less  and our friendship started fading away but by junior year we got it all back together and u and me and sabrina would all hang out a lot of the time, and when she got her car we hung out even more but then u stopped going to our skoul and then one random day we all hung out, after that we hung out soooo friggin much and we'd go to eachother's houses or meet at the skoul and that was great too, i alwasy loved hanging out w/ you b/c we never knew what we were gonna do but i knew no matter what we did it was gonna be a blast!!! i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i finally got my cell phone and the nwe got even closer but then there were more problems and we started fading again when sabrina moved to her dad's and then w hung out a couple more times before the summer but then i went to colorado for the summer but we hung out when i got back and did lots of stuff together, and then what else did we do there was sooo much i cant even begin to describe all the times and its hard to pick a few b/c they wre all so great ohhhhh when we drove places u would critacise(<~spelt that wrong) everyone's driving, and eddie "did NOT know how to drive!" lol that was great good times good times and we partied a couple times but not nearly enough!!! that one time at sabrina's mom's house when we got really drunk was one of the best times ive ever spent w/ u that game of sharades was sooo fun what am i? sabrina on her hands and knees shaking her head all a wet dog? no a candle! duh?! okay what am i now? me w/ my finger pointing from my head making shooting no, a satelite dish! ohhh and the condom impersonations were the best i dont know what i was doing but urs was the best!!!) man good fucking times!!!! then senior year came around and we only hung out a few times that year and i can remember the last time i saw you was when i was driving sumwhere and u were skateboarding sumwhere and i was all oh theres jon but i didnt honk or say hi or anything b/c i always see you around and i regret not saying sumthing or at least honking at u, b/c u left me for good a couple weeks later! and the last time we hung out was a little over a month before the accident and u called my cell and said hey come meet me over at dennis earl and i said okay and i walked over there and u were sitting on the playground equiptment in the front of the skoul and i walked over to you and we sat on the playground and played tic-tac-toe and we were so enthralled by that funky music thingy on there it was fun and we played w/ it for forever it seemed and then we walked around the skoul and sat on the picinc tables well i layed on it and  sat on it and we talked and talked and it was fun and then u walked me home and i hugged you and said goodbye and u left to go home but if i would have known that was the last goodbye i'd say to you i would have hugged you forever and i never would have let left way too soon Jon i dont know what im gonna do w/o you here, you mean so much to me u always were there for me i could call you anytime for any reason and u always helped me get through everything when i was crying u told me it was okay u were there when i was growing up we grew up together, and i dont have many friends i can say have been there for me 24/7 but i can say u were i've never not thought of you at one point or another of every day i think of you since the day i met u there's always sumthing that reminds me of you, i see you everywhere now! on every sign, billboard, i swear i still see u walking around Turlock, i still walk outside hoping to see you skating down the street everytime sumone knocks on the door or rings the door bell i hope and pray that it's u again! id do anything to have one last day w/ you, but im glad i got to have the time w/ u i did and i feel bad for the people who never met you( even though i swear there's only like 10 people in the world u dont know! lol) you bring light into my day, ur the person i look forward to seeing when im bored or sad b/c i know u'll turn my whole day around just by being there, i love you sooo much and the fact that ur not here kills me and the fact that i'll never get to see you again tears me apart inside! but i know that ur in a better place now and b/c u died i believe in heaven, and i know that there's a better place in life and i look forward to seeing u there again, when i die b/c as good as it was in heaven before it has to be a million times better now that ur there!!!!!!!! keep watch over us i know that ur looking down at us all wanting to slap us in the face for sitting around crying about this instead of going out and living and doing things!but u left such a mark on ur lives that no one could ever replace u theres a part of my heart and it's reserved for JON and u will forever be there...........not one day of my life will go by when i dont think about you! i still think ur hear i try to call you sumtimes and have to remind myself ur not gonna answer, but one day i know u will! i love you jon and i miss you sooo much keep us safe! and try not to trash the place up there!

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